Saturday, January 26, 2008

Disk Warrior For Leopard Released

Good news to those that made the switch as the independent software developers are now catching up with the fall release of Leopard. Apple rushed the final seeds of Leopard through the field meaning that when the Gold Master finally went out in late October the development community was left with next to no time to react. As a result a number of my favorite apps still need to get updates to function properly under Leopard.

The good news for those that utilize Disk Warrior from Alsoft they've released a fully Leopard compatible version of the app. head on over and check it out.

I'm still patiently waiting for a Leopard compatible version of SuperDuper! the great full disk backup utility  but as they say patience is a virtue. Quite frankly while lots of people continue to push the folks at ShirtPocket software for a release of a Leopard version of SuperDuper - I for one am willing to give them time to deliver the quality product we've come to expect from them. Let's face it there is nothing worse than producing a back-up program for critical data that doesn't stand up under fire.